UPPCS Mains 2021 Essay Paper
UPPCS Mains 2021 Essay paper was held on 23 March 2022 in the second shift i.e. from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. As expected, the topics for essay writing in Section A, B and C were from the literature and culture, social sphere, political sphere, Agriculture, Environment and Technology, Economic Sphere, and National and International Events.
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 150
- The Question paper is divided into three Sections. Write three essays in Hindi or English, selecting one topic from each section.
- Word Limit is 700 wordsfor each essay.
- Each essay carries 50 marks.
खंड– अ /Section- A
- कला और सामाजिक मुक्ति।
Art and Social Liberty.
- धर्म-निरपेक्ष राजनीति: आवश्यकता और चुनौतियां।
Secular Politics: Needs and Challenges
- भारत में उच्च शिक्षा और शोध की स्थिति: भविष्य की राहें।
Status of Higher Education and Research in India: Ways of Future.
खंड– ब/Section- B
- नए कृषि कानून और किसान आंदोलन।
New Agricultural Laws and Peasant Movements
- नागरिकता संशोधन कानून और समावेशी भारत।
Citizenship Amendment Act and Inclusive India.
- वैश्विक पर्यावरण में बदलाव का प्रभाव: चुनौतियाँ और रास्ते।
Effect of change in Global Environment: Challenges and ways to go out.
खंड– स/Section- C
- कोविड -19 के प्रभाव में वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्था।
Global Economy under COVID-19.
- लोकतंत्र, चुनाव और जाति।
Democracy, election and caste.
- वर्तमान में भारत की विदेश नीति: दशा और दिशा।
India’s Foreign Policy at present: condition and direction.